The Incomparable Al Huang
Al Huang - Quick 5 Elements Lesson
9 minutes
Al Huang - Extended 5 Elements Lesson
4 minutes
There are so many videos of Al Huang on YouTube. They are all fabulous because he is fabulous!
Taichi, dance, and music are all based on movement: Conscious and skillful expressions of our authenticity-in-the- moment.
Although Al Huang's videos are healing and inspiring in themselves, (even addictive!) remember that Master Huang is working to lead us to our own emulation of his movements, attitudes and joyful wisdom.
Be sure to clock at least as much practice time as viewing time :)
These three videos can take you directly to the Heart of the Ancient Teachings. Try 'em out for a couple of weeks. Come back to them reglarly.
Ancient Video - Please excuse recording quality. This is the first of 4 parts, total time under 1/2 hour and worth every second.
Al Huang - The Wow Talk
4 minutes